Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Viloria to Villafranca Montes de Oca (22 Kms) 14 May

I reached Belorado by about 10 a.m. and had a lovely second breakfast in the sunny square: a big coffee, Danish pastry and freshly squeezed orange juice. Then off to the pharmacy to buy tissues and an ATM to draw out 200 Euros. I had intended to stay the night in Belorado, but at 11.00 a.m. it seemed too soon to stop walking. It proved to be a beautiful sunny day walking through fields of wheat, with a few veggies on one side: spinach, peas, leeks all coming up well. No more asparagus, though! Occasionally the trail went very near to the busy N-120, which had huge trucks thiundering past. It was very scary when they seemed to come too close.

I had a nice beer at Tosantos and asked the friendly bar lady to phone up and reserve a room for me at the Hotel San Anton Abad in Villafranca Montes de Oca. I had a quick lunch of cheese and dates at Villambistia, where I saw a man pull up in a Prius just opposite and told him I had the same car at home in Australia. I had a short lie down in the sun on a park bench, before continuing on the last uphill stretch.

My single room in the hotel (which also owns the adjoining albergue) is small, but the shower/loo is fine. Also, it is quiet – can’t hear the lorries thundering by 100 m. away. Had dinner with a couple from Norway in the hotel dining room: asparagus salad, pork w. chips, fruit salad.

Church at Viloria

Sunny square at Belorado

Ancient cave dwellings near Belorado

Gateway of my hotel in Villafranca

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