Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hontanas to Castrojeriz, 2 May (9 kms)

People in the dorm started stirring before 6.00 a.m., trying to pack up in the dark.  Every time the door opened, an emergency light came on in the corridor outside.  Finally, I decided I might as well join them, before going downstairs to the bar for some breakfast.  I noticed an internet terminal in the corner, which had been hidden by all the hordes of people the day before.

Long shadow
Setting out on the track through the fields was the most beautiful bit of the Camino so far, with the early morning sun right behind me, casting a huge long shadow.  I reached Castrojeriz at 9.30 a.m. and went straight to the Camping
"Camino de Santiago".  It turned out that my reserved room (33 Euros) was in fact a little caravan-type chalet, one of 4 on the top of the hill, with a magnificent view over the valley and hills opposite.  I realised that the Camino itself went right past me, behind the fence which enclosed the cam site.

I went into town to reconnoitre, intending to check out bars and restaurants for later.  MM had recommended La Taberna, so I went there and had a longer session on the internet in the corner of their bar.  I returned later at 1.00 p.m. for the set lunch (12 Euros) : sopa de ajo (garlic), then delicious   home-made albondigas with chips and salad.  I asked for an orange for dessert to take-away.

La Taberna
This town is 3 kms long - amazing!  As the day progressed, a biting easterly wind sprang up.  The sunshine could not compensate for the wind tunnel effect down the long main street.

Near the Taberna, I saw a house "Casa Grevillea" and discovered it was a B and B kept by an Australian couple.  If only I had known about it, I would have booked in there instead of the Camping which was way out on the edge of town.  I had a chat to the owner, who said she got most of her business through "passing trade".  It was certainly in an excellent spot for that. See:

Convento de San Anton, 14th century ruins

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