Monday, September 1, 2014

Sta Catalina to Rabanal, 15 May (12kms)

I went very slowly today because of my aching tendon and tired legs generally.  Every single pilgrim en route passed me, no question about it!  The snow covered mountains up ahead were now much nearer, but surely the snow would melt under the hot sun we were getting.  Could this lovely weather continue?

At El Ganso I stopped at the Cowboy Bar for a coffee, then pressed on and up towards Rabanal, which became visible in the distance.  On entering the town I stopped for a beer and a gazpacho, which was delicious and replaced some of my fluids.

I proceeded through the town towards my chosen destination for the day: La Posada Gaspar, where I was given an attic room (unable to stand up in parts), but with a splendid new bathroom and full-sized bath.  I had a good long soak and ate some cheese and tomato and bread while doing so!

Later, down in the vine-covered courtyard I celebrated with a G and T  (€4).  I was now only 242 km from Santiago.  For dinner I opted for a small bar that advertised Italian cuisine, a mistake because it was only a frozen pizza!

Cowboy Bar
Flowers at rest stop

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