Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Oviedo Cathedral

After a good siesta, I was ready to tackle the cathedral San Salvador. There was recorded guided tour in English which would take 90 mins to do the lot. Highlights were beautiful cloisters and a museum upstairs which contained part of the shroud of Jesus when he came down from the cross, bloodstained!

There were few signs of the early building apart from a low crypt. The structure was very Gothic, with a really elaborate carved wooden altar screen from the Baroque era. In a sheltered area outside was a pilgrims' cemetery.

Pilgrims' cemetery just below the arches

Floor of cloister

Ancient olive tree near pilgrims' cemetery

Up bright and early this mornng to catch the 8.30 bus to Ponferrada via Leon. The first part pf the journey was spectacular, with the motorway streaking through the mountains, over viaducts and through tunnels, with frequent warnings about accident black spots. You need to have a clear head to drive at speed on these roads, with a steep drop on one side into the valley below. On our left was the sharp pointed peaks of the Picos de Europa NP.

The road from Leon was much more boring: much nicer on foot than on a bus. I could remember bits from last year, and we saw several pilgrims making their way along the Camino when it came close to the road. There was a thunderstorm as we approached Ponferrada. Hope this isn't the end of the good weather!

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