Saturday, April 25, 2015

Villafranca to Ambasmestas

I set off at 8.30 am. The Posada was situated right next to the bridge, in a good position to exit the town. Only 200 kms to Santiago!

It drizzled and rained all the way to Pereje, where I stopped for a coffee. Then the sun came out for a brief spell, very brief. The Camino followed the river valley up into the mountains, with the Autopista roaring by up to the left and overhead. I saw Alpine Strawberries in flower (no fruits yet) and a few bluebells. 

I am sitting in a bar in Trabadelo eating a ration of tortilla.  Spanish Masterchef is on TV,  big group of chefs in 2 competing  teams, catering for large numbers and then transporting the food at speed on motorbikes! Why? But their efforts look better than my tortilla.

I reached Ambasmestas by 1.30 pm, had  lunch and a very long siesta and it's still raining.

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