Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ponte de Lima to Rubiaes

Today was a long and tough climb up from Ponte de Lima. I left town by the medieval bridge at 8.30 am and arrived here at the Quinta Das Leiras at 5.00pm. I must have been the last person on the track, but I was deliberately taking my time as it was quite hot (about 27 degrees I believe).

First a few pics taken as I left Ponte:
This is taken fr the old bridge looking upstream towards the new motorway bridge. The next looks back to the town, with a few caravans parked by the river:

This sign wishes us Bon Caminho:
The walk today was mostly on woodland tracks, pinewood and eucalypts. This provided some much needed shade as the day got hotter. There was only one place to stop for an early lunch, so I had a cider and a cheese sandwich:

I took off my boots and put my feet up for half an hour. The afternoon was enlivened by a convoy of about 10 four WD jeeps trying and constantly failing to negotiate the steep and stony track designed for pedestrians. Crazy! 

View from the top where I collapsed in the grass on the shade for a bit:

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