Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Valenca to Tui

I spent last night at the best hotel in town, the Pousada de Valenca. It has a superb position looking across the river into Spain. I enjoyed a room with a view as never before!

This is a shot of my room before I unpacked:

Valenca is a fortress town with more defensive walls, earthworks and turrets than I have seen anywhere. You enter and leave the fortress by a tunnel with iron gates at both ends. Here are some pics of the defences:

The last one is the view from my hotel showing the iron bridge into Spain designed by Gustav Eiffel.

After  a sumptuous breakfast this morning at the Pousada, which included Bucks Fizz (they can't hide the champagne from me!) I set off across the bridge into Tui. I wanted to stay the night but in a cheaper establishment after last night's indulgence. Near the Cathedral I came across the Hotel Cabalo Furado and was lucky enough to get the last single room for  €30.

From the Cathedral Mirador, I was able to take a photo of the Valenca fortress where I spent last night:

Here are a few more pics from the Cathedral cloisters:

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