Friday, July 10, 2015

Cue to Karijini

Cue to Karijini (750kms)

John continues to be surprised at the lack of live kangaroos and emus. Saw lots of white and purple mulla mullahs  and a few good patches of everlastings.

We left Cue at 8.50 am and had a quick drive round town taking in the historic buildings like the jail, police station and post office. Morning tea in the mulga (flies!) and lunch at Kumarina, where there was a talking parrot that said "Hello!)

Stopped for supplies at Mt Newman. After that we enjoyed superb scenery: Namajira scenes: purple and red in the hills lit by the setting sun, with lots of snappy gums in front. Big spoil heaps from the iron ore mines. We had a mad scramble to reach our destination before dark.

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