Sunday, July 19, 2015

Two days in Exmouth

We had a relaxing time at John's place, not doing very much at all. M walked on the beach, but the tide was too high to go very far.

John's Visitors Book has been in use. This is what Ellie wrote last year:

I like John Sinclair's house starting downstairs in the bedroom I like the TV and the woolly blanket and the spa was very nice. Now I'm  heading upstairs. Upstairs I like the barstools, the big table with all the chairs around I like huge TV with all the remotes and the cool room a great idea you can put lots more food in and lastly the view. You can see whales splashing in the calm ocean I like the house. It has been a great holiday this is one of the best houses I've ever been to.

No more to be said!

We went out for dinner at the Whalers Restaurant:

Even John was full up!

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