Monday, February 8, 2016

Greens Pool and Rickety Gate

Friday was a perfect day for the beach, so we drove to Greens Pool for a swim. Two years ago when we visited, we were inundated with flies, which even followed us into the water. No such problems on this occasion! The temperature is always a bit cool in the Southern Ocean, but after a few moments that is all forgotten as the beach is so sheltered and the water so clear.

J went for a long walk along the beach and fell in a hole of soft sand, almost losing his stick in the water. A friendly couple came to his rescue. They turned out to be the owners of the Aiyana Retreat, having a morning off from their work.

A beautiful day for a swim...

..... or a rest in the shade

On Saturday evening we had booked to have dinner at the best restaurant in Denmark: Kirby's at Rickety Gate. When I looked at the map, I discovered it was a half hour's drive along Mt Shadforth Rd, so I couldn't indulge too much with the wine! The food was perfect, however! We had the set degustation menu for $85, which they only offer on the first Saturday of the month. There was a selection of entrees on a tasting plate, followed by a main of pork belly for me and lamb for J. Dessert was Creme brûlée. The red wine, a Cabernet with their own label, was the best I've had in a long time, and we left some in the bottle to enjoy next day.

Outside Rickety Gate

Tasting Plate

Pork belly with colcannon and black pudding

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