Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Pemberton to Walpole

As we left Karri Valley it started to drizzle. Later this turned into a series of heavy downpours which went on till mid afternoon. First on the agenda was a drive back to Pemberton to stock up on fresh food for the week at the IGA. This filled the car up even more for the last 100 or so kms to Walpole. MB and I also walked up the main street to find the local butcher as IGA was skinned out in the meat department on a Monday morning. JL was waiting patiently at the woodcraft gallery.

After a really nice coffee there, we drove out past the enormous piles of wood at the timber yards waiting to be milled.

The road to Walpole was a scenic drive through forests, the huge trees obviously benefitting from the abundant rainfall. We had lunch in Walpole town centre, under a shelter specially set up for rain challenged picnickers. It was cold and draughty! 

We drove the few kms to Coalmine Beach and our home for 4 nights.

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