Monday, May 23, 2016



As the clock struck 12.00, I came within sight of Estaing, with its medieval bridge over the Lot and it's imposing Chateau in a defensive position above the town. I discovered that my hotel, Aux Armes d'Estaing, did not open its doors till 2.30 p.m. However, I was welcomed in English at the restaurant across the road, where I enjoyed a delicious local trout and a glass of beer for lunch. The wi-fi was really strong also (and practically useless in the hotel when it finally opened).

I filled in some time after lunch walking around the picturesque town and taking photos while the sun was out. I could see that more downpours were on the way. Unfortunately the Chateau is closed on Mondays and there were many disappointed grey nomads poking around!

The hotel is another that has seen better days, but the bathroom was new and the water boiling hot, so I switched on the room heater and did a bit of washing. I told the lady in reception that I would have to eat elsewhere in the evening, in order to get wi-fi! If a restaurant can provide it, why not a hotel?

My hotel is on the left, just across from the bridge.

The chateau from the bridge

Cross on the bridge

Trout for lunch

Today's expenses
Lunch 21€
Room at Aux Armes d'Estaing 55€
Dinner 22.50€

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