Friday, September 16, 2016

Spring in Perth

New babies everywhere!  This is a big family of ducklings.  The parents are on duty 24/7 looking after them.  If any predator comes too close, the babies are hurried into the water by Mum.  Dad stands guard onshore till they are all safely away.

There are 4 cygnets in this family.  Dad was particularly aggressive towards me as I approached with my camera.  He spread his wings and flew straight at me before I scrambled away.

Nothing to fear at Wireless Hill, where the wildflowers are in abundance after the winter rains.

Kangaroo Paws

Cats Paws


Top left: Bacon and Egg Plant; Top right: Granny's Bonnet; Bottom left: Orchid; Bottom right: Milkmaids

Donkey Orchids

Left: Wattle;  Right: Bacon and Egg Plants

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