Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Progress 5 and Ellis Brook Bushwalk

Now that I can walk a bit further each day, I can go along the river under the Causeway Bridge towards South Perth.  This lovely flame tree is at its best just now.  After a month of wet and windy weather, Spring is definitely in the air! I have bought myself another Fitbit to give myself a bit of encouragement.

Sunday was such a beautiful day, I decided to see if I was up to joining my bushwalking group again.  The walk was one I had done several times, but I had forgotten how challenging it was: only 11 kms but consisting of many steep ups and downs, with stony tracks and hazardous gravelly slopes. My calf muscles are still feeling it two days later!  However, I'm glad to say that my hip wasn't unduly affected - though I felt really tired and generally unfit after several months of not doing very much strenuous exercise.  The best part of the day was the profusion of wildflowers. C, E and I set off before the main group in order to tackle the first climb to the top of the waterfall at a slow pace and this enabled us to photograph the flowers on both sides of the track. C and E had agreed to come along on the day in case I needed extra help to cope with the rigours of the walk, but I'm glad to say that I was quite OK, except for running out of water on a day that reached 24 degrees!

Ellis Brook Falls

Donkey Orchids

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