Wednesday, September 20, 2017


On arrival in Barcelona Sants, the main station, I joined another queue to book a ticket on the train to Pamplona for tomorrow morning at 9.30 am. Worn out by this time, I took a taxi to my final destination for the day: Hostal Oliva at Passeig de Garcia 32. The direct route was blocked by police because of "a demonstration". Crowds everywhere: I've never seen Barcelona this busy. It's all to do with the vote for Catalan independence. After a quick shower in my tiny hotel room, I went out to view the excitement on the street. Desperate for a drink in my dehydrated state, I stopped for a beer and some people watching at Divinus Tapas, where two of the protestors allowed me to take their photo, wrapped in the red and yellow Catalan flag. A poster informed us that the referendum is to be on 1 October. It said VOTEM PER SER LLIURES. The crowds were building as all the Catalans were out in force, as well as all the regular paseo goers and shoppers. As soon as I'd finished my squid and patatas bravas, I went down the street to see the action. It's a long time since I saw a demo!

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