Saturday, October 7, 2017


Did I say it was cold yesterday?  Well it was freezing this morning! 4 degrees when I woke up at 7.15 am. I thought about staying in bed for another hour, but remembered that my backpack was supposed to be downstairs by 8.00 am for Jacotrans. Sunrise was at 8.15.

I had a leisurely Parador breakfast with all the trimmings and left town about 9.00 am. I'd had to delve in my bag for a vest, gloves and woolly headband for the first time on this trip. They were all needed for the first hour till the sun started to warm things up. But I have to say it was the best walking weather with clear views on all sides of ploughed fields and distant mountains.

Every pilgrim en route was sitting outside the bar opposite the church at Granon, where I stopped for a coffee and a banana. Seats in the sun were at a premium, but an American woman from Hawai grabbed two for us. She said don't ask me about Trump and then proceeded to tell me what she thought of him.

The highlight of the day was the donkey accompanying two Frenchmen. They are staying in the next room to me at the hotel in Redecilla. I don't know where the donkey is staying. They are not exactly travelling light and have loaded up his panniers to the max. They do not speak English and hardly any Spanish but seem to be managing.

Bridge leaving Sto Domingo 


Approaching Granon



Flock of sheep and goats 

Sheep and goats meet pilgrim with donkey 

Fish van arrives in Granon

Romanesque font in Granon church 

Main Street in Granon 

The Camino goes on

Sign at the border with Castile and Leon 


  1. Lovely photos Margaret, you really seem to be in the the countryside with the farmland. You did mention it was cold the other day too. Sounds like you are having a good time.

  2. It was a lovely day for walking! I wish I could sketch like you; have to make do with photos. Thanks for commenting. My nearest and dearest can't be bothered or don't know how!

  3. They are probably reading and enjoying. It is surprising the number of readers I find I have in the wings for years before they ever comment. I am enjoying the photographs of everything you are showing.
