Saturday, March 17, 2018

Arriaga Restaurant 

A trendy restaurant on the top of a high building, with 360 degree views.

1st course: pebbles on a beach. Big pebble is cheese in a crust, small pebble is pate de foie w sponge of bread: art on a plate!

2nd course: raw monkfish w sea asparagus & Verdejo wine from Cadiz

3rd course: squid in a sweet onion sauce

4th course: red mullet w muscatel wine

5th course: beef sous vide & potato windows, sliced thinly - incredibly unbelievably thinly, with Ribiera de Douro wine. Sous vide not my favourite thing! Spoils a good steak!

6th course: dessert - an egg , made from white choc, whipped cream & yoghurt, with the yoke : mango! Waiter brought the egg in his hand and cracked it open on the plate.

This was not a meal. It was an experience!

Raw fish




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