Friday, April 6, 2018

Banos de Montemayor

I left Hotel Sinagoga at 9.30 am and walked about 2 kms down the road to get back on the Via de la Plata. It was another perfect sunny day, but according to the forecast it may be the last one for a while.

After another 5 kms (of road walking as no proper Camino track here), I reached Banos de Montemayor and soon found my hotel Los Postigos. This is a historic building which has had a nice conversion and a friendly proprietor.

I was looking for somewhere to have lunch. There are public thermal baths in the town centre with a huge hotel attached. I checked out the dining room, but it was absolutely packed with oldies, so I quickly left (knowing it would take ages to get served) and took myself to Bar Carlos near my hotel and ordered a chicken and bacon brochette w patatas fritas and a white wine. This wine was particularly good and put me in the mood for a siesta!

View on the road

Approaching Banos

Entrance to my hotel

View from my window 

Later, I went to check out the thermal baths. All the special treatments and massages designed for ageing limbs were booked out by groups of oldies from the big hotel, who got called in groups of 6 from the reception area. I just settled for a swim and relax in the heated pool. I also took a few photos of the parts dating from Roman times, which have been preserved as a mini museum.

Preparing for a plunge 

Oldies having their treatments 


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