Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Winter Pursuits

In England, I always spent a Monday morning in January making marmalade. (I started work in the library at lunchtime in those days, as I had to work till 9.00 pm). There was a very short season when Seville oranges appeared in the shops. Now in Perth my fruit of choice is cumquats. This year, my normal supply from friends' gardens seemed to have dried up and you cannot buy them in the shops. Finally, in the last week of winter, I was offered some by two of the bushwalking group. My kitchen is once again filled with the delicious orange aroma and JL can look forward to his breakfast crumpet with home made marmalade.

There are even a few left over to make brandied cumquats: their liquor is like Cointreau.


This is a cosy rug for cold nights in front of the TV. The squares were knitted by one of my cleaners. She had come to a full stop and didn't know how to join them together. I said there are plenty of instructions on YouTube. I offered to finish it for her as I like to crochet. It's very relaxing. I might make one for myself next. The squares are approx 24 centimetres, but you have to be really careful in making sure they are all the same. These could be more exact than they are.


On one of my walks down to the river, I came across a tiny turtle. When it realised I had stopped, and was a threat, it stuck its head in and kept absolutely still. I think it was heading for a pond which had formed on the grass of the old golf course. Perth has had the wettest August in about 30 years!

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