Sunday, October 7, 2018

Kitty's Gorge Bushwalk

Named after a cow called Kitty, who wandered off from the herd and ended up in the steep-sided Gorge. That was the end of Kitty. The Bushwalk felt like that for some of us oldies. It was 13 kms of track, mostly up and down, with some really stony slopes. On the Camino, there is a such a slope named the Mule Killer. We were rewarded by many wildflowers, including fringe lilies which are my favourites.

Fringe lilies
Trigger plants
Cowslip orchids
Morning tea spot
Hibbertia beside the trail
Sign on the tree said TRAIL CLOSED; maybe to noisy motor bikes?
Lunch spot by the waterfall
Some years ago, we used to do the walk from Jarrahdale Cemetery along Gooralong Brook up to Serpentine Falls.  This was a much nicer walk, but it fell out of favour as it involved a car shuffle. Maybe we should go back to this?

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