Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Last of the wildflower season

Hot weather is upon us, so Sunday was my last chance to see a few flowers this year. I decided to do the John Forrest walk again as L rushed us so much last week that I hadn't chance to see everything properly. There are several walk trails up there and we were on the Wildflower Walk, though L wasn't interested and just wanted to walk!

This is a "rails to trails" walk, following the line of the old Midland to Northam line. There is also the opportunity to go through the tunnel, but it's rather dark and stony underfoot and sometimes wet and impossible to see without a torch. There are plaques telling us about a train crash, where some carriages came uncoupled and ran backwards down the hill, killing 7 horses on board. This reminded me of another runaway train in the Pilbara recently, when the driver got out to inspect something and it set off without him, gathering speed as it went.  It had to be stopped remotely and its huge load of iron ore trucks toppled like dominoes, tearing up the track and all.

Tunnel entrance
Train crash in 1896
Having a picnic in years gone by
Maybe Grevillea thelemanniana?
Another Fringe Lily
Trigger plants
Close up of Isopogon
Isopogon showing flowers and cones

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