Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Xmas photos

On Christmas Day, we were invited to lunch with S and G who live in the next block to us. Also there was Y, whose husband H is a chef and working in Kalgoorlie over Christmas and New Year. He is actually volunteering at a Care Home, to make sure the residents eat well over the festive period. Then S's son arrived with his partner, loads of food and a beautiful King Charles spaniel. The two young people are both twins. I almost believed them when they claimed to have met at a Twins Convention! They are getting married soon at Howard Park Winery which is on land near JL's old Group Settlement farm near Cowaramup.

Flower arrangement by Meredith
S is manager of a team of ladies who clean my house and many others in the vicinity. They have just about cornered the market around here as they are so efficient. Meredith used to have a Florist's Shop, which is why she is so good.

A few nibbles to start
Difficult to get everyone to smile at the same time!
That's better!
Christmas ham
Huge feast
S and G live on the ground floor and have a small patio outside, seen in the background here. A few weeks ago, something fell down from the top floor and hit the ground here. It was a suicide. The person had claimed to be interested in buying the top floor apartment; as soon as the agent showed him in, he went straight to the balcony and threw himself off.  How horrendous! Luckily, a member of the local fire brigade lives next door and came to organise the clean-up before S and G arrived home. The same thing happened in our block some years ago, and the people moved out next day! On another occasion, people on the ground floor were enjoying lunch on their patio when something fell on top of their table. It was a cat, a dead one!

Amazing dessert courtesy of H the Chef! A luscious trifle, unbelievably delicious!

Boxing Day at the beach
Coffee afterwards
Moonflower at Como
They only flower for one night of the year!

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