Thursday, January 10, 2019

Art collection

I've decided to make a photographic record of all the pictures hanging on our walls. This may come in handy in the event of a burglary - though these apartments are very secure and break-ins virtually impossible! These pictures tell the story of my life.

Starting in my bedroom:
From my Japanese period: purchased on a trip to Japan to visit C, who was teaching English there for a year. I like the composition of the Japanese characters and numbers.
This is one of two Japanese prints of geishas.

Now to the living room, where we have run out of wall space in this small apartment:

Lowry print of Huddersfield (where I come from). This is a signed print.

From my Singapore days. This is my only original  painting. It is by the Singaporean artist Tay Bak Koi. He was my favourite artist when I lived there, as his work depicted the days before industrialisation changed everything.
More from Japan. These are prints of bridges, which fascinated JL, the left hand one showing heavy rain falling.
A reminder of several holidays spent in the Kimberley. Ingrid Windham produced innumerable prints; this one is entitled Mulla Mulla and the Lagoon, but it is the boab trees that are iconic.

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