Friday, March 8, 2019

Sculpture by the Sea Part 2

With 71 exhibits to see, a second visit was called for on a Friday evening, so that E and C could join us at Cottesloe.

I returned to the aboriginal installation, as I really liked the idea of basing it on emu feathers. This time lots of kids were allowed to play inside it and even "wear" the grass skirts.

Miyarnu Bundara

Kids playing in the installation

Draw Houses Make Houses

Based on Primary School students' drawings of their
shanty town (a proposed demolition site in Hunan, China).
Constructed in wire.

Oat = the part of a boat that makes it float

Constructed entirely from cable ties

Kuma Room
A small hut in the form of a bear's head

E and C with Pods;
Kuma Room in the background
For some reason, E and C were dressed in black ready for a cat burglaring expedition. First they had to fortify themselves with F and C at Amberjack's!

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