Sunday, May 19, 2019

Catamaran Trip

At weekends, there are catamaran trips at 11.30 am and 4.00 pm. They go from the landing stage at Belesar and around a big meander in the MiƱo which I could see from my terrace. Only €5 for seniors. I had booked by email for the 4.30 departure and Esther kindly offered to drive me to the landing at lunchtime. The narrow winding roads in this area are not for the faint hearted, but Esther is an expert driver, I’ll say that for her!

The catamaran set off 20 mins late. It was waiting for a group on a bus tour but the bus had either broken down or crashed into a narrow bridge on the way. Everyone on the catamaran was fed up of waiting, so finally we set off without the bus load of passengers. We were offered our money back, but I didn’t bother: I’d enjoyed the trip, though a cold wind was blowing on the return.

Catamaran seen from my terrace.

Catamarans moored at Belesar.

Leaving Belesar.

Pretty villages en route.

Vines come right down to the waters edge.

Very intensive production.

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