Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ponferrada to Monforte de Lemos

So I am now the Michael Portillo of Galicia! (Why doesn’t he make some more Spanish railway programmes, since he is half Spanish?)

I travelled on the little blue tourist train for 2 hours, running about 10 minutes late. We left just after 9.00 am. It was a really beautiful route, going along  rocky cuttings and a few tunnels through the mountains. The hillsides were covered in yellow flowering trees, (maybe mimosa, but couldn’t identify it properly from the train).  

The train made 11 stops, with the following places actually on the Camino Invierno:
O Barco de Valdeorras
A Rua - Petin 
San Clodio - Quiorga
Monforte de Lemos.

There is also a faster afternoon train from Ponferrada to Vigo, with fewer stops.

The route between A Rua and Montefurado has really nice lake and river views, and before Quiroga the train waited a good 10 minutes to allow trains to pass in the opposite direction. Need to sit on the left side of the train for this part, in order to get the best photos!

View near O Barco

Near VilamartĂ­n 

A Rua station

View of River Sil just after A Rua 

My luggage!

One or two weary hikers got on at some of the stops, apparently tired from yesterday’s heat. One fell asleep and missed all the views.

On arrival at Monforte they headed straight for the station bar, whilst I took a short taxi ride to my hotel, the Ribiera Sacra where I’m staying for two nights. Dropping off my backpack, I headed straight to Tourist Information and quizzed the young man for some time about various transport options. There is a bus out on most days, except the one day I want (Friday 17th), so I may resort to a taxi then.

Next door to the TI was a lovely tapas bar so I indulged for a small lunch:

Glass of draft cider
Russian Salad and Rabbit Legs (behind).
Cost: €3.60 altogether.

Later, I found 2 Lindt chocs in the minibar of my hotel. It would have been rude to leave them there!

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