Saturday, October 5, 2019

Lisbon: Saturday (National Day)

This morning I discovered it was Portugal’s National Day. I knew this would have repercussions for my sightseeing plans. Firstly, there were roads blocked and trams diverted. Secondly, my idea of visiting the Jeronimos Monastery was a no-no. I got there to find a VIP funeral was about to take place. It was Freitas de Amoral, a politician who had apparently been Sec Gen of the UN years ago. 

I was able to see the two most photographed monuments in Portugal though, Belém Tower and the Monument to the Discoveries. Belém was the last thing sailors saw when they embarked on their voyages of exploration and they didn’t always return to see it again. These tales of Vasco da Gama and Magellan, told to me in my first year of secondary school by Miss Saul, were what started my love of history. I never thought I would ever stand on this spot!

Belém Tower: I didn’t go in, as there are enough steps already in Lisbon!

In 1960 the city honoured the 500th anniversary of Prince Henry the Navigator.  The huge monument takes the shape of a caravel ship in full sail, with Henry at the helm, with all the sailors and explorers behind him. (Note: he didn’t go to sea, but was the mastermind behind the voyages!) Included are those who financed the expeditions, and on the other side Henry’s English mother, Philippa of Lancaster.

Philippa near the bottom.

Sailing on the River Tajo; the monument is on the left.

Lovely pavement.

Funeral about to start: several TV cameras waiting to capture the arrivals.

Market on the way back, where I bought 2 donut peaches for lunch.

Decided to have my hair cut - in the “Moscow Beauty Bar”. They were indeed all Russians!

Marquis de Pombal near the hairdressers.

Marquis statue inside the Metro Station named after him.

My home Metro Station.

Read all about Pombal and the Lisbon Earthquake:ão_José_de_Carvalho_e_Melo,_1st_Marquis_of_Pombal

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