Thursday, March 12, 2020


For the past few months we’ve been creating a lovely communal herb garden for our block. We have a rota for daily watering, as the twice weekly automatic reticulation is insufficient for the hot dry summer days. This photo shows how it looked a month ago and it’s now time for planning the autumn planting:

We’ve had good crops of chives and basil, cherry tomatoes and oregano. There are two varieties of chillies, long green ones and tiny fiery red ones. It’s a raised bed and I always pick something on my way back from the swimming pool.

Last night we held a celebration dinner for those involved. The theme was green: for both dress and food. Everyone brought a dish. Mine was pea and broccoli soup. This was followed by a variety of interesting salads and one-pot pastas. There was a big “medicinal salad” consisting of many raw vegetables and herbs chopped up small in a thermomix. I should add that the champagne was free flowing, but no-one had to drive home so that was OK. We had some good laughs and for a while forgot the Coronavirus and plunging stock market. Our hostess provided some unusual entertainment to round off the evening. We all had to relax our head on a cushion and close our eyes whilst she made reverberations on Chinese crystal bowls and Indian bells.

We briefly considered putting a few cannabis plants into the garden next, but it may not yet be legal in this State.


  1. Perhaps next year! Dinner looks mighty good.

  2. That looks wonderful! Where are you, in the US? Or a different hemisphere? Anyway you are in a great place in many senses.
