Sunday, April 12, 2020


The spell of hot weather has finally come to an end. Today we woke up to a relatively coolish overcast day, albeit very humid at first. I varied my early morning walk in order to avoid crowds on the river bank.

This photo shows Crown’s car park, now relatively empty. We have never seen it like this. In the foreground is a row of luggage trailers, belonging to Hughes, a chauffeur service that normally brings guests from the airport.

In Crown Metropole and Crown Promenade, the 600 interstate travellers who came off cruise ships have now finished their 14-day isolation. However, most of them still can’t go home because there are very few flights to get them away. So, they are staying put, still at government expense.

As I continued my walk this morning, it was obviously an autumn scene, even though Western Australia doesn’t have many deciduous trees:

Nearly back home, I came upon another of JL’s feathered friends, a white ibis:

A few months ago, this ibis lost its mate and now it comes alone every day to the lake in front of us. Today it was about to scavenge in a rubbish bin.

We are enjoying a few Easter treats today, thanks to C’s deliveries of chocs and fresh veggies:

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