Saturday, April 4, 2020

Gardening etc.

Bloggers are reporting on progress in their veggie gardens. I miss mine a lot, even our windswept plot at Quinns. The balcony at Burswood gets a fair bit of wind and hot sun in the late afternoon, though the latter must surely die out soon. Here are a few shots of what I’m growing now:

Bottom right is parsley and perpetual spinach in a big black pot. On the far wall is an olive from Quinns being trained as a climber. I don’t expect any olives but it looks nice.

This is a very productive chilli, which I pick green when they are not too hot. It is planted in an old esky, seen here from the back:

Today I planted some garlic plus an experimental spring onion which may or may not regrow.

I also transplanted a self seeded climber which had started to grow in a pot of rosemary. JL thinks it is a passion fruit vine. Fingers crossed!

More news on the ill-fated Artania cruise ship which is still here in Fremantle. Apparently it was launched 36 years ago by Princess Diana in Southampton as the Royal Princess, and has changed owners and names a few times in the interim. Local journalists are looking around for things to write about.


  1. It's amazing what can be grown in containers isn't it? Super photos. Thanks for sharing them.
