Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What day is it?

Every day is the same in our self-imposed lockdown. We could go out but we don’t, except for a daily walk. A man has been jailed in Perth for breaking out of his hotel quarantine by jamming open a fire door, coming and going several times. He went on public transport to visit his girlfriend! Now he has another month’s free accommodation, without any fire doors.

I accessed our building’s fire doors in order to get to our herb garden. When I accidentally let it stay open a crack, the alarm sounded. I wanted to check on the new plantings, because the area had been closed off for  the installation of a new concrete path with a waterproof membrane. (The underground carpark is below). When I got outside I found some of the others celebrating with a pre-dinner drink.

The two boys have the ground floor apartment directly behind and have been doing the watering for the past two weeks.

The tomatoes have been replaced by kale and bok choy: looking good.

I made a mini quiche for two...

... and helped myself to a few roses from Crown to brighten the place up:

1 comment:

  1. All around the world we are a bit stir crazy, I see. Well selected, those roses.
