Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Ladies who lunch

Four of us went out for lunch at The Partisan, Claisebrook. We left our problems behind.

A’s husband is in an Aged Care Home with Dementia. He doesn’t know her, but she goes in every few days to feed him as he eats so slowly. During lunch she received a phone call from the Home, asking her to bring him some larger clothes as they are finding it hard to dress him in clothes that are too tight.

B’s husband is in and out of different hospitals with a variety of ailments, including out-of-control Diabetes and Depression. She spends her days driving him to medical appointments. This has been going on for years. She used to be a nurse.

V’s husband has Parkinson’s. They have a Carer to help him shower three times a week, paid for privately but government subsidised. Sometimes she doesn’t arrive till 10.30 by which time he is getting cross and stressed. Their children live in Darwin and Albany, too far away to be of any help.

My partner JL had his hip fracture repaired 6 weeks ago and the Rehabilitation in the Home package, provided free by Royal Perth Hospital has now come to an end. He moves around the house slowly with a walking frame. I have booked some private physio sessions twice a week at a nearby clinic where I used to go for a group exercise class before the pandemic. I had seen the girl in action and was impressed. 

We had a nice lunch together with a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc:


  1. Women are remarkable, that's for sure.

  2. Now using the Opera app to comment. Works well. (Opera is a browser).
