Sunday, December 20, 2020

Retail therapy at the Sock Factory

The Sock Factory is on the must-do list in York. This is the only place in W.A. still manufacturing socks. I thought it would be a museum, but they have purchased new machines from Italy to keep up with the latest technologies. The reviews state that the socks are very good value, which is true but we thought the designs needed some modern input. For example, there were no low ankle socks which are popular nowadays.

I bought myself some stripey Possum and Merino socks, imported from NZ. I thought these were a bit more trendy and good for cold feet in winter:

C tried on various things in the gift shop and came away with a fine Merino sweater and a warm poncho to wear in the house on cold winter nights. The gift shop was doing a lot of trade this morning:

Next on the agenda was a visit to the new Gallery 152, with its current exhibit of botanical inspired artworks. Many were already sold as they displayed a red dot. The following pics show some of our favourites:

This was my favourite: an Illyarrie (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) not yet sold at $3500.

This is a sculpture. (Eucalyptus macrocarpa).

This was C’s favourite: a very fragile creation based on a wattle (Acacia denticulosa) made from sterling silver, 18 ct gold, natural rubies, citrine and more, selling for $3800.

Then it was time to support other local businesses. I purchased a nice bottle of rosé wine for tonight whilst E perused the sweet shop. We had a coffee at a pavement cafe, where Rocky was much admired by the locals. We haven’t seen any other rescued greyhounds in York, whereas there are plenty in Perth.

I have now identified the spikes in the dog’s feet. I think they must have been “double gees”, a very pernicious weed which should be reported to the Ag Dept.  I found one embedded in the sole of my sandals after my early morning walk:

They have a really sharp spike, one of Nature’s most fiendish inventions to ensure spreading it around. I had walked across the stubble to the highest point on the property where I took some photos:

This is looking towards York in the distance.


  1. Thanks for the tour. It's always good to hear of start up attempts. All the best to them.

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