Sunday, April 25, 2021

Geraldton to Denham

Anzac Day (Sunday) and the roads were very quiet all morning. Most vehicles were coming south. I didn’t have to overtake anybody nor worry about people overtaking me. As usual, I stopped for a coffee at Galena Bridge, which is the first convenient spot. This is an official 24-hour stopping place where travellers can spend the night in their van for free, with minimal facilities. It is not to be recommended. TOO MANY FLIES! Each time I come here, the fly population has increased. Apart from this, it could be very nice down by the river.


It was a very hot day on the road. When I came to the turn-off for the Shark Bay Heritage Area, I decided to take it on the spur of the moment. As I drove along the long straight road, there were tantalising views of the coastline and the bluest of blue sea. After an hour and a half, I found myself in Denham and admired the calm still waters and took these pics:


This looks like the best restaurant in town, but it’s fully booked for tonight. There is a pizzeria which comes highly recommended though!

It is built from shells which are endemic to the area.

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