Monday, May 3, 2021


When I woke up this morning, there was a heavy mist and 98 % humidity. I had to get some exercise though, so I set off at 7.15 am to walk down the road from the Continental Hotel to Town Beach. This is about a 15 minute walk. There has been a lot of development since I was last here a year ago and it is still ongoing. The sky looked ominous!

This reinforcement has been done with beautiful Kimberley stone. The next photo shows a shaded picnic area with strong steel cables to hold it down in the event of a cyclone:

I don’t think I’ll be going for a swim here!  Back at my hotel, there was a safer option:

 I had to check out at 10.00 am, so it was time to head into town to buy a few things. I really needed some shorts for my 4WD camping trip round the Kimberley. I went to a big Outdoor/Camping/Fishing store which had rows and rows of men’s shorts, hundreds of them, and only THREE pairs of women’s shorts, all size 8! How ridiculous is that?  Should I write to the local MP about gender inequality?  Next, I tried the Red Cross charity shop: no luck there with a suitable style and size, though I did pick up a Kathmandu shirt, treated with anti-bug material, which was quite a bargain. This will teach me a lesson about leaving home in a hurry!

Time for a coffee in Chinatown:

A day in Broome can only end with a sunset drink at Cable Beach. It feels great to be back here:

I even caught the red camels returning home:

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