Sunday, July 11, 2021

Piesse Brook bushwalk

Yesterday was one sunny day bookended by two weeks of heavy rain, with damaging winds forecast. The ground is already saturated and more flooding may occur in the coming days. So, it was important to spend Sunday out and about. Because I’m a poor navigator, I chose a popular bushwalk where it was impossible to get lost:

Lots of people had the same idea; it was hard to find a parking spot near the entrance and the muddy track was all churned up with 4WD’s bumping along. In addition to the real ones were these little toys:

They are called radio controlled rock crawlers; grown men spend their Sunday morning taking them to meetups on difficult terrain! This was not what I came to see in the National Park.

First the wildflowers:

Native Wisteria

Templetonia biloba?
Horn-leaved Bossiaea


Which one?


… and a few fungi:

The track crosses the Bibbulmun which comes down from the left, having started in Kalamunda township:

Finally the track ends at Rocky Pool, a favourite picnic spot where little kids take life in their hands, playing on the wet and slippery rocks next to the waterfalls:

The gushing water video is on my Instagram.

Piesse Brook is an important waterway which feeds into the reservoir at Mundaring. After all the rainfall it was flowing really fast:

Much more to come this week!

1 comment:

  1. Grown men can be so amusing!
    Thanks for the pictures of flowers and water.
