Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Western Flora

Western Flora Caravan Park is my last stop before heading home. The accommodation is very basic (donga style rooms) but the surroundings make up for it. When I arrived, there was a blue tongue lizard sunning itself on the roadway. Ron, the owner, picked it up and threw it into the bush but I pursued it to get a photo:

He is no longer doing the 4.30 guided wildflower walks, but instead provides a sketch map. I chose the longer (5.5 km ) walk and was fortunate enough to follow another couple as my navigation skills are not the best. There are many sandy tracks and firebreaks to follow, but it is not easy! The following pics are a selection of what could be seen this afternoon:

Next morning I was up early and walked round the pond at the back of the units. It is said to be a home to many varieties of frogs and some of them could be heard during the night. I didn’t see any frogs, but there were plenty of birds around. This is the bird hide overlooking the pond:


  1. An amazing array of flowers. That crooked spike is interesting.

  2. Xanthorrhoea is the botanical name: more popularly known as grass trees. They are very common in Western Australia. It's not known why they sometimes produce a crooked spike.

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