Monday, November 29, 2021

Blocking the view

There are plans afoot for more building in front of us. It will block out much of our view. We live on the sixth floor and understood that future structures would only go up to six storeys. It's now become apparent that the rules have changed and there will be eight storeys. The new building will be called "Ador". At the weekend, Mirvac opened a display unit at the stadium to showcase their plans, hoping to get lots of sales off the plan. I went along to glean what information I could.

This is our current view:

This is an artist’s impression of the new building to go in front of the row of white town houses:

Other photos follow from the Mirvac display:

Pretty classy, I have to say! This is a mock-up of the kitchen. The penthouse suites even have a butler’s pantry that opens off to the right of the kitchen. If you are into entertaining that is a necessity, I suppose! I was shown around by a very charming salesman, but he seemed to lose interest when I said I was only thinking of downsizing into a one bedroom apartment. He did provide me with a rather splendid brochure, in which I discovered that there were to be charging stations for electric vehicles. That’s a facility which is non existent in our present building.

The most useful bit of information was that building will not start for 6 months, as construction is to go out to tender. It will be at least another 2 years after that before the building is finished. This means that my view is safe some time into the future. I can live with that.

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