Friday, May 13, 2022

Astorga to Santa Catalina de Somoza

Another beautiful day on the Camino! Not a cloud in the sky.  I left the Spa Hotel Ciudad de Astorga after a quick breakfast. As I was leaving town, I noticed the Jacotrans van also on its way: a new bright red vehicle (obviously doing well from pilgrims). After about 4 kms I had a nice rest at the bar in Murias de Rechivaldo and drank a big glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. They have tables set out in the shade or across the street in the sun.

It’s a long straight road. I was overtaken by lots of pilgrims and not a few on bikes. The sun on my back was getting hotter and I was glad to see the church tower of Santa Catalina come into view. I had booked a room at the Albergue El Caminante by telephone and it’s always a bit of a worry as to whether I’d made myself understood! As it’s coming up to the weekend and glorious weather is forecast, it’s been difficult to find accommodation. All the locals are out walking as well as the pilgrims. 

You can’t miss the albergue!

View from my window of the church belfry and stork’s nest.

It’s a typical Maragato house with an inner courtyard.

They seem to be making a collection of these antique threshing boards. They consist of tiny pieces of flint set into  the wood.

I decided to eat at the other albergue in town as I had a vague memory that the food was better:

I had a pizza for a change.

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