Wednesday, May 18, 2022

More resting in Ponferrada

A sunny morning and a stroll around town was called for, followed by a little shopping. Nothing too strenuous. First I took a few photos of the castle for which Ponferrada is famous:

It’s a conglomeration of styles and rather Disney-like.

Here a group of kindergarten children were being told to look what big backpacks were being carried by the real pilgrims.

Beautifully scented elderflowers next to the Iron Bridge itself. The bridge, which gives the town its name is over the River Sil, down below.

I was on my way to Decathlon, a 20-minute walk. My mission was to buy a new sun hat since I had left my old one hanging on a hook in Rabanal. Decathlon is THE Spanish sports shop. Everyone raves about it but I had never been into one before. My goodness, what an eye-opener! They will surely be opening one in Australia soon:

There is everything you could possibly need for the Camino, walking or cycling, and lots you absolutely don’t need but find tempting and colour co-ordinated for the fashion conscious. I won’t say here what I bought! But everything was about a third of what I might pay at home!

Just next door is a Mercadona supermarket, even better than the last one. I only wanted some cheese and fruit but I walked round all the aisles admiringly:

Who knew there were so many varieties and prices for jamon?

There was also a Maccas in the complex, a big one with a drive-through. I had been following the sign, but at 11.30 am it was still closed. Too much competition from Spanish cafes perhaps.

P.S. can you believe I was here on this very day in 2014?

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