Sunday, May 29, 2022


Portomarin is an interesting town, in that it was once submerged under water when the Belesar dam was built. The historic church was dismantled stone by stone and reconstructed higher up away from the water level.

Today the water level is incredibly low, so the walk across the viaduct is a bit scary:

Some people were enjoying water sports down below:

The official Camino enters Portomarin up a flight of steps: just what you don’t need after a long walk on the trail:

I took the road!

This is the Church that was reconstructed:

I enjoyed a nice lunch just opposite the Church:

Scallops: a Galician specialty.

After that, I got a taxi up the road for 7 kms to Gonzar, where there is a brand new Hosteria.  Everything is so new; I must be the first person to book a room here. There is even a swimming pool, but not in use as yet.

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