Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Melide rest day

The Galician rain has finally caught up with me. The sunny weather was too good to last. I got absolutely soaked having gone out to eat last night just down the road at the Brooklyn Grill. When I got back to the hotel, I saw that they have their own dining room which I hadn’t spotted before.

The Hotel Luxe is another brand new establishment: everything even smells new. It’s already attracting tour groups: one arrived yesterday a few minutes before me, so I had to sit down and wait for them all to get checked in. My room is on the 3rd floor and has a glassed in window seat, overlooking the roundabout which marks the town centre. It is endlessly fascinating to sit there and watch everything go by: an ideal spot for a rest day in wet weather:

Early this morning, it was very black looking west towards Santiago. At about 10.15 am the heavens opened again, just as I had set out to visit a few churches and the museum.

View of the roundabout from my window, with a few pilgrims just setting out.

The amazing thing is how small the roundabout is: there is a succession of huge trucks going past and they all manage to negotiate the sharp turn as well as the zebra crossings controlled by lights.

The museum was well laid out, with lots of small pieces of prehistoric pottery. More interesting were the rooms dedicated to later life in the area. A few pics of the displays follow:

Blacksmithing and ironwork.



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