Sunday, August 14, 2022

Lake Leschenaultia

It’s a awhile since I joined the Bushwalkers on their Sunday outing. Today an easy walk was planned around Lake Leschenaultia. A sunny day was forecast so I thought I could just about make it. (Since my Kimberley trip I’ve not been too well: a terrible cough laid me low and I needed antibiotics to get rid of it). I didn’t get up early enough for the 10.00 am start, but I drove to Leschenaultia anyway, thinking I might catch up with the group en route, which I did. There were quite a few new faces today. They were all surprised to see me walk out of the bush as they were having morning tea.

Lake Leschenaultia: it’s just over 3 kms to walk round it.

There were a few wildflowers, but there will be more in a few weeks:

There were pools of water everywhere after all the heavy rain; many of the paths were flooded:

When we stopped to eat our picnic lunch, we were surrounded by Twenty-Eight parrots hoping to steal some tidbits:

1 comment:

  1. Glad you caught up with the lovely walk. I hope the parrot didn't drop the tid bit in the lake.
