Friday, September 16, 2022

Kalbarri 2

Last year Kalbarri was hit by a cyclone and the widespread damage is still evident. Roofs were blown off and many holiday units rendered uninhabitable. A lot of repair work is going on all around town, but there is a shortage of both men and matériels.

The days have been quite cold and windy, but there are many walk trails to keep us busy:

I like to walk south, where I saw this unusual flower;

I met a Chinese couple from Sydney who were complaining about the high cost of accommodation in town because it was so scarce. We are very fortunate in our Stayz house. It has everything we need and was booked 6 weeks ago.

There is an interesting shop which sells baskets and doormats, handmade from rope salvaged from the sea:

I couldn’t decide what colour!

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