Saturday, September 24, 2022

Spanish Evening

What a good idea, I thought: a long table dinner of tapas and paella right here in Perth at a cooking school. One of Val’s friends was organising it. There would also be some Spanish entertainment.

I got dressed up and even took a selfie:

It was a chilly evening and I couldn’t risk being cold, as I had no idea about the venue. Google Maps took me there. This was it:

This was the menu:

This is Val, waiting for some food:
(I was trying to photograph goings on in the kitchen).

Shooters of warm leek and potato soup arrived. It was clearly not a night for gazpacho!

We were served LOTS:

After the paella, I felt as if I couldn’t eat another morsel of anything. Fortunately there was a break for entertainment in the form of a solitary flamenco dancer. At first, she took the male part and then got changed to do the female part:

The chef was busy in the kitchen making the churros:

I did manage to eat two or three:

Go to the website for more pics and delicious recipes:

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