Sunday, November 20, 2022

Burns Beach bushwalk

Our Sunday morning walks now start at 7.30 am in order to beat the summer heat. If it’s a long drive to the start point, I don’t always feel like getting up that early. Today I forced myself, leaving the house before 7.00 am. We met at Burns Beach, a coastal suburb to the north of Perth where there is so much construction going on. New houses with sea views are all the rage and this northern corridor is spreading relentlessly. The cafe, under new ownership, is now called Sistas. It was bursting at the seams and the queues so long that nobody wanted to wait.

Jack led us northward. Usually we go south on the coastal footpath, but this has been blocked at some point since they are building a marina at Ocean Reef. The group always sets a pace that is too fast for me. Eventually I sat down on a seat, knowing that I could pick them up on their way back. I studied a new interpretive sign about the area:

There has been a huge amount of work constructing this coastal footpath, as well as attempts to stabilise the sand dunes. They have laid matting down which stops the sand eroding and eventually small plants get established and the matting rots away:

Looking south towards Burns Beach and Ocean Reef.


  1. Will this development be a success? Will the dunes conservation effort be a success?
