Saturday, December 24, 2022

Xmas Lunch 3

In Australia, people tend to spend as much of the holiday as possible at the beach. We wanted to beat the crowds, and the heat, by leaving home at 6.15 am for a swim before breakfast. C and E are both working shifts tomorrow (double pay, so why not?) so we decided to have our celebration on Christmas Eve instead. When we arrived at South Beach, the horses were already coming back:

It took us a while to persuade Rocky to have a swim. He splashed about a bit and then made for the shore. (Videos on Instagram).

At Como, our traditional Christmas menu was:
Blinis w caviar (Tasmanian)
Crispy skin barramundi w salad

I left E to make the blinis this time:

The garden was blooming, so we laid the table under the pergola:

Rocky wolfed down a big bowl of veggies w sardines:

After that I had a siesta while the others watched Harry Potter for the nth time.


1 comment:

  1. You must change your greeting to Have a beautiful Christmas!
