Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Coogee Beach

I was up early today for a walk northwards up the beach to snorkel at the Omeo Wreck. It’s a popular spot, so you have to beat the crowds if at all possible. At 7.30 there were only about 10 people snorkelling. There was a cool easterly breeze but the water felt warm in contrast. I was wearing my ancient wetsuit. This is size 14 and I’ve put on a bit of weight since I bought it. I had to ask a neighbour to zip me up! Luckily he was there on my return to do the honours again. It was quite a struggle to get in and out!

The Omeo was an iron steamship built in Newcastle, England, in 1858. It ran aground here in 1905. I blogged about my visit here last February:

There were definitely a lot more fish swimming round the wreck last year. The huge influx of tourists has had its effect!

Most of the day was spent people watching from my verandah. I watched the converted bus depart: Anne and Gerry were on their way to pastures new. Gerry drove the bus while Anne followed in a small white car. Maybe they were doing a round-Australia road trip:

When I woke up from my siesta, they had been replaced by a young family with a toddler. They were towing a very large boat (not a caravan) and spent an hour putting up a very complicated tent:


I'm just going for a walk round the camp before cooking (microwaving) spaghetti with meatballs.

PS.  There are lots of permanent chalets, very well looked after with beautiful little gardens. I talked to a man who has lived here for 30 years, but he doesn't like the new owners, Discovery Parks. They are buying up sites all over Australia, but he believes that all the money is being spent on the eastern states.

Permanent homes.