Saturday, March 11, 2023

Having a ball

It’s the season for school balls. They hold them early in the year so that everyone can concentrate on studying for important exams from now on. First, you need to think about the dress and get it booked at the hire company. A couple of days beforehand, it’s time to get your nails done:

Next, the hair-do.  E had no appointment for the big day, but by chance I had one at 9.00 am so I kindly gave it to her. She perused various internet sites for inspiration and came up with this one:

We didn’t realise how much work went into creating these hair-up styles: much longer than my usual cut and blow dry. Lisa worked incredibly hard to produce a copy of this style (and her next lady had to wait an extra 15 minutes at least). A big thanks to Lee Preston Hairdressers for arranging this!

Ready to go:

Transport was by Rolls Royce! 

One of her friends’ father has a vintage Rolls, which has an exemption from fitting seat belts: who knew?

Some clever photography here:

1 comment:

  1. And after all this, if like my granddaughters, all the shoes go in a pile by the gym door and they dance crazily all over the dance floor. And then, three hours later, it's over.
