Wednesday, August 16, 2023


There is a self-seeded fig tree in the garden at Como. Over the years we have enjoyed figs every February: till last year. In one week an abundant crop was decimated: in fact, every fig disappeared before we could pick any! Rats ran along the top of the fence and onto the tree. They must have alerted all their friends to come and feast. 

This year, it’s not going to happen! I went round to Como to help C prune the tree into a more manageable shape:

C about to prune the tree

Big pile of clippings 

Then it was off to Bunnings to buy some netting. We pondered for a while as to what size to buy, ending up with 4m x 10m. When we got it home, it took a while to stretch it out from the tightly bound up roll. It was definitely a 2-man job to wrap the tree. C brought out two ladders and did the wrapping, whilst I held the netting and fed it out to her:

The finished product

Rats can now dine elsewhere: we hope!

1 comment:

  1. We need to watch out for birds getting caught in the netting. I'm going to investigate bird-scarers.
